Hi, My name is Nick Furlo

I am a UX Researcher, UX Designer, and Network Engineer. Let's build something together!

About Me

I recently graduated with my Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Oakland University. During my graduate and undergraduate degrees at OU I worked in the HCI lab and led a research team of four. My thesis focused on optimizing dating applications for user safety. I have over four years of Human Computer Interaction research experience, thirteen years experience in network engineering and system administration, and seven years of sales and customer service experience.

If you want to hire or contract me to improve the user experience of your product, please send me an email.

Qualitative Research

95% Complete

Participatory Design

95% Complete

Technical & Academic Writing

95% Complete

Adobe XD

90% Complete


80% Complete


90% Complete

Network Administration

95% Complete

Software Engineering

80% Complete

Publications and Research

  • May 2023
  • Designing Dating Apps For Sexual Violence Prevention And Consent Mediation Through The Promotion Of Wanted Experiences
  • Master's Thesis
  • Oakland University
  • Download
  • April 2023
  • April 2022
  • October 2021
  • October 2020
  • October 2019

Technical Experience

  • November 2021 - Present
  • Red Level Group
  • Senior Support Engineer
  • May 2019 - May 2023
  • Oakland University, School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Human Computer Interaction Researcher
  • September 2020 - Present
  • Powerhouse Charity Marathon, Horror-ible Games Charity Marathon, Licenseathon Charity Marathon
  • Volunteer Senior Broadcast Engineer
  • March 2021 - July 2021
  • AutoPets
  • UX Design Consultant, Network Engineer
  • April 2018 - December 2019
  • Oakland University Career Services
  • Information Technology Intern
  • October 2017 - April 2018
  • Plante Moran
  • Technology Services Intern
  • September 2015 - October 2017
  • Oakland University School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • System Administrator


  • October 2022
  • ACME Reporting Scheduluer
  • Lead Designer
  • A tool for scheduling automated emails containing business reports.
    • Worked with Development Lead to design user flows.
    • Produced wireframes and mockups for client presentations and to inform development.
    • All mockups produced using Adobe XD.
  • Download Mockups
  • September 2022
  • Azure Security Score Dashboard
  • Lead Designer
  • A dashboard for viewing Azure Security Scores of many MSP/CSP clients in one place.
    • Worked with Development Lead to design user flows.
    • Produced wireframes and mockups to inform development.
    • All mockups produced using Adobe XD.
  • Download Mockups
  • May 2022
  • AVFlight Tools
  • Lead Designer, Engineer, Developer, and Project Manager
  • A tool for interacting with critical data for AVFlight private airplane hangar leasing.
    • Designed, prototyped, and developed user interfaces for viewing, adding, and modifying lease, location, plane, owner, and user data.
    • Conducted requirements engineering and developed planning artifacts such as user stories, user flows, UI wireframes, and database entity relationship diagrams.
    • Designed and implemented a PostgeSQL database for storing data.
    • Implemented the website using Flask, WTForms, Flask-SQLAlchemy, and CSS.
    • All mockups produced using Figma.
  • Download Mockups
  • September 2019 - December 2019
  • GrizzPark
  • UX Designer, Android Developer
  • An Android application which can show students which parking spots are free across Oakland University's three largest parking lots using Raspberry Pi’s with cameras and a machine learning algorithm trained from scratch.
    • Created an Android application with IntelliJ that pulled parking information from a database server.
    • Programmed and created mockups for a user interface to display parking information to the user through audio and visual representations for an Android application.
    • Used Agile Scrum Methodology to complete project goals on time with six team members.
  • Android App Github
  • April 2018 - December 2019
  • Impact Downloader
  • Lead Designer, Engineer, Developer, and Project Manager
  • A fully automated application for generating an arbitrary number of Looker queries, downloading the associated data, renaming the files, and sorting them into folders on a network or local drive.
    • Used Python and Selenium to automate generating and downloading data from Looker in Handshake.
    • Used Python to appropriately name and copy data to network drives.
    • Created Looker queries to accurately generate complex datasets
  • Github
  • Rewrite Github